Summer Kick-Off

During the summer, our ten campuses come together to worship and fellowship in what we loving call "Summer FOCUS". Our campuses are spread out all over the DFW metroplex, so we have students and staff members who drive up to a hour one-way to be a part of Summer FOCUS. And, I think the zeal for community and spiritual growth really shows! One of my favorite things about our summer meetings is to see the diversity in how students and staff members from the various campuses worship and relate to God. This has been especially impactful with our sermons series of "Relating to God". The campus pastors have very thoughtfully and openly shared about how they relate to God while also giving some great tips and truths to know God more. I've been personally challenged to think through how I relate to God as my father, as well as how to relate to the Holy Spirit. I think it's making a big impact on our students as well!

Worship during Summer FOCUS


I wanted to tell you a little something that happened back in May! Each year, we take a group of potential leaders from our various campuses to Bellingham, Washington to learn how to do campus ministry. This was such an awesome experience for me when I was a student because it deepened my faith while giving me practice and practical tools on how to bring the Gospel to my campus. This year, I was able to attend as a staff member after being a heavily involved in the planning. The planning for this trip started around December, and was a large part of what I worked on during the Spring semester. A lot of planning, coordinating, and communication had to happen to allow our eighty-nine students to attend. It was such a cool experience to see how my work behind the scenes affected the growth of eighty-nine of our students! This month, one of our students created a video to share his experience at SICM. This video was such a blessing to our staff, and I thought you might enjoy it!

This month in the Admin world

  • This month, our ministry became officially ECFA certified! While that might not sound super exciting to some, it's a big step in communicating that we, as a ministry, care about excellence in our financial practices. The ECFA, Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability, has a long application process that screens the financial processes of our ministry and makes sure we comply with certain standards. It's another way that we can communicate our thankfulness to our donors and supporters, because we want to ensure we are being responsible with what we have been given.
  • At the beginning of June,  I started building a team of people to join me in my ministry financially and prayerfully! As the first full-time administrator for our ministry, this has been particularly exciting for me! I love being able to share my role in our ministry and how God has changed me personally as a result of campus ministry. As a recent graduate, the impact this ministry has made on my college career is fresh on my mind and it's been a neat opportunity to be able to share that. Thank you for supporting me!

A Glimpse Into Campus Ministry

Every month we ask a student to share how God has used campus ministry, and FOCUS, to impact their lives. Take a look at this month's student!

Prayer Requests

-Please pray for our incoming and current staff members as they build a team who will partner with them prayerfully and financially. Pray that they would reach their goals before the summers's end!

-Please continue to pray for me as I continue to raise my own support, that I would also reach my goal by the end of the summer!

-Some friends of mine lost their father and husband this month. Please be praying for their family and friends!

And finally, THANK YOU, for taking the time to read this and for joining in my ministry!


  1. Love getting a sneak peak into your life sis! Congrats on the ECFA!

    1. Hey! Thanks for reading this :) Yeah, it's exciting, right?


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